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giving guidance in learning eclectic divination


for love of divination

NOTE: I have mapped out the class dates to give people an opportunity to plan, but there may be small date shifts over the course of the year.

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This is a six part pre-recorded class working with Geomancy including 13 hours of video and extensive handouts.


Week 1: History & Classical Correspondences (1hrs)

Week 2: Figures (2.4hrs)

Week 3: Traditional Shield Spread (2.5hrs)

Week 4: Deeper into the Shield Spread (2hrs)

Week 5: Traditional House Spread (3hrs)

Week 6: Beyond the Basics (2hrs)

2020 Finished
Playback Only
Tarot Class
Part 1&
Part 2

4 weeks per part, Live lessons recorded for playback or participation on Zoom Handouts. More information on link above.


Pt 1 4wks $60

Pt 2 4wks  $60

1&2 for $110


Tarot Part 1 Beginning, 4 Weeks starting January 11th


Tarot Part 2 Intermediate, 4 Weeks starting February 15th

2020 Finished
Playback Only
Part 1 & 2

4 weeks per part, Live lessons recorded for playback or participation on Zoom Handouts. More information on link above.


Pt 1 4wks $60

Pt 2 4wks  $60

1&2 for $110


Lenormand Part 1 Beginning, 4 Weeks starting March 28th


Lenormand Part 2 Intermediate, 4 Weeks starting May 5th

Photo Jul 29, 7 59 01 PM.jpg
Working with

4 weeks, lessons live recorded for playback, 8.5 hours of video over 4 videos. Handouts included. No prior knowledge required. 


Week 1 History & Structure

Week 2 The Oghams

Week 3 Casting

Week 4 Casting continued & Beyond Divination

Photo Sep 11, 3 39 24 PM.jpg

4 weeks, lessons live recorded for playback, 10 hours of video over 4 videos. Handouts included. No prior knowledge required. 


Week 1 History & Structure

Week 2 The Runes

Week 3 Casting Sm

Week 4 Casting continued & Beyond Divination

2020 Pt 1 in
Photo Oct 21, 10 41 50 AM.png
Tales from the Woods 1

4 week class, Live lessons recorded for playback or participation on Zoom Handouts. More information coming.


This is a literature/writing class that includes a topic to delve into using a novel and short stories along with some spreads and a creative project. More information in link above.

Registering for
July 18th
Photo May 21, 2 52 04 PM.jpg
Working with
Playing Cards

4 weeks, Live lessons recorded for playback or participation on Zoom. Handouts included. No prior knowledge required. 


See Link above for details

Aug 29th
Photo Jan 11, 11 41 58 AM.jpg

4 weeks, Live lessons recorded for playback or participation on Zoom. Handouts included. No prior knowledge needed.


This is a class focused on casting methods. You will be given basic meanings for Runes and Oghams but we will be looking at charm casting, my Journey Tokens and other systems that use casting as well.


The purpose is to focus on physically casting and reading the random forms, shapes and connections made when using casting as a method of divination.

Oct 3rd
Photo Sep 11, 3 39 24 PM.jpg

4 weeks, Live lessons recorded for playback or participation on Zoom. Handouts included. Prior knowledge of runes and their basic meanings required. Perfect if you have already been working with runes or you have taken a previous rune class from me.


More information coming closer to class.

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