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The last running class (Feb 2023) is available for playback.


Geomancy is a very old divination system that has been described as a sister to astrology in the Western version because many things correlate to astrology such as the houses, the planets and so forth. You do not have to have a knowledge of Astrology to take this class. In this system 4 "mother" figures are cast using cards, dice, or using geomancy sticks. Those four figures are used as the basis of a shield reading where 15 figures are built from the first four, and come down to the final 3 that get to the heart of your matter and the ultimate figure of the Judge. 


What you receive:

Six (6) live recorded class lectures averaging 3 hours each

*In-Depth handouts on corresponces and figures, a link to Lulu if you want a bound copy.


Required Materials:

*A small journal or

*Sixteen (16) 3x5 or 4x6 cards or something more durable like cardstock or watercolor paper depending on the level of creativity you want to put into what will become your personal information cards.

*A set of four dice that are four different colors that corrrespond to Fire, Air, Water and Earth for you (I use red for Fire, yellow for Air, blue for Water, and green for Earth), OR a set of Geomancy sticks you can make or purchase (see AlaskaLaserMaid on Etsy), OR a deck of playing cards for casting figures (you only need one method of casting).


What is expected from you:

*A willingness to learn.


All sales are final.



Geomancy Class


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