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Oracle of Place:
A Walk with Corrag

Live Classes are on Sundays at 11am EST on Zoom, and the same link will work for each week:


Meeting ID: 860 3739 4957
Passcode: corrag


Dropbox link for Handouts


OOP Files


Final Permanent Links for classes:


Week 1:


Week 2:


Week 3:


Week 4:



I have a Discord channel that I am slowly building up for chatting and class interaction, if you would like to join up please follow this link:



Please message me if you join so I can add you to the class channels.




Please note: These are only for students of the class and not to be given out to other people, thank you!


There is the link to the Oracle of Place files. There are 3 PDFS: Information & Keyword Guide, Half Letter Reference Printout, and the Print at Home Full Deck. There is also a Print folder that includes 4 folders:


1 Core 57 cards + 4 Alternate Cards (Primary Guardian, Crow, Wolf, Bear)

NOTE: This has the updated Meadow and Voice cards without animals on them.

NOTE: This includes all of the ancestor addon cards as they are part of the core cards.

NOTE: This does not include bonus Corrag card exclusive for OOP class

2 Animal Characteristics Expansion (20 cards)

NOTE: This does not include bonus Whale card exclusive for OOP class

3 Elemental Plant Expansion (20 Cards)

4 Backs (2 Options)


Oracle of Place Class Bonus Cards:

NOTE: These are the two bonus cards of Corrag and Whale exclusive to those taking the class and the alternate cards made during the class, these alternate cards are also available in the main links.


Anglo Saxon Rune Cards - This is a standalone rune deck that is in the Oracle of Place format. This includes all of the print files and a PDF for printing at home.

NOTE: This includes the fixed Wunjo card and the altered Tiwaz card.

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