2022 Tales: The Hobbit
Live Classes are on Saturdays at 11am EST on Zoom starting June 11th, and the same link will work for each week with the password of precious:
Final Permanent Link for classes:
Week 1 - https://youtu.be/rAUp9TqKlUA
Week 2 - https://youtu.be/E-UiT1ncjps
Week 3 - https://youtu.be/NVTBF3hOMhc
Week 4 - https://youtu.be/t4qYCqc84Pc
I have a Discord channel that I am slowly building up for chatting and class interaction, if you would like to join up please follow this link:
Please message me if you join so I can add you to the class channels.
Reading Schedule:​
Prepared for Week 1: Read through the end of Chapter 5
Prepared for Week 2: Read through the end of Chapter 8
Prepared for Week 3: Read through the end of Chapter 13
Prepared for Week 4: Read through the end of the book.