You will receive a link to a private video along with photographs and a pdf listing of all cards in the spread to keep for reference.
These are great readings to do at the beginning of the year, at your birthday, or anytime you're moving into a new phase!
In this reading, I will pull a card and a rune to indicate an energy to focus on throughout the year, an oracle card for outside energy as well as a tarot card for each month of the year. The purpose of this reading is not just divinatory but to have to look at an energy for the year, seasons, and months that will be helpful for you during those time frames in navigating your way forward.
Year Ahead
All readings currently take up to 7 days to get back to you.
Please keep in mind that I come to any reading from the perspective of healing, self-exploration, and strategies for dealing with things as they are or for moving forward or towards a goal. While I believe that we can see forecast of the direction the future is heading, I do not believe in a fixed future. Because of this, any future trajectories are there to give you information so that you can make choices and decisions to keep going in that direction, or start to shift the direction you are going in. A reading should never take the power out of your own hands.